Fast Lane CUWN Release 7.2 Delta Webinar

- Tuesday, Mar 27, 2012 from 4:00pm – 7:00pm, Eastern
- Wednesday, Mar 28, 2012 from 7:00am – 10:00am, Eastern
- Wednesday, Mar 28, 2012 from 4:00pm – 7:00pm, Eastern
- Thursday, Mar 29, 2012 from 7:00am – 10:00am, Eastern
- Thursday, Mar 29, 2012 from 4:00pm – 7:00pm, Eastern
Please join us for this 1/2 day virtual webinar covering the latest Cisco Unified Wireless LAN Release 7.2 code. This webinar will provide participants an overview of the key new features and enhancements, implementation considerations, and high-level configuration information.
You will learn:
An overview of the key new features and enhancements, implementation considerations, and high-level configuration information, including RRM enhancements, Alloy QoS, FlexConnect enhancements, Wi-Fi Direct, WebAuth scalability enhancements, MSE Virtual Appliance and High Availability, and 802.11u Hotspot and MSAP.
The primary intended audience is customers considering upgrading their network to WLC 7.2/NCS 1.1, and the technical staff responsible for implementing this latest WLAN code.
Webinar Content Outline
- 7.2 Code New Feature overview:
- 802.11u / MSAP / Hotspot 2.0, Alloy QoS, FlexConnect (H-REAP) Enhancements
- Enhanced IPv6 Client Support, Cisco TrustSec, WiFi Direct P2P Management
- MSE Virtual Appliance, MSE High Availability
- Improvements to existing Features:
- H-REAP rebranding, CCXv6, enhanced rogue classification
- CleanAir phase 2 and RRM enhancements, multicast streaming enhancements
- New channels for mesh APs in UNII2, simplified WLC licensing, WebAuth performance enhancements, FIPS certification, Flex7500 enhancements, WiSM2 enhancements
- Main Feature Deep Dive:
- RRM enhancements:
- TPCv2 & RF Profiles: TPC was deeply changed and improved, RF profiles can be created to group APs having the same RF behavior
- CleanAir Phase 2: Persistent Device Avoidance enhancements, Customization of Event Driven Radio Resource Management (EDRRM), new Unclassified Air Quality Trap, new Worst Interferer Custom Report
- Security:
- New wIPS Signatures
- Rogue detection and management Enhancements
- TrustSec on WLC: TrustSec is now extended to the wireless infrastructure
- WLAN Efficiency
- Wi-Fi Direct support (Wi-Fi Alliance)
- Alloy QoS: better QoS support for multicast traffic
- IPv6 enhanced support: Mobility support for Dual stack clients and enhanced support for the IPv6 wired infrastructure
- FlexConnect Enhancements:
- H-REAP Rebranding
- FlexConnect AP Upgrade
- Access Control Lists
- AAA Override for FlexConnect to Assign Dynamic VLANs
- Fast Roaming for Voice clients
- P2P Blocking
- WLC/AP Improvements
- Simplified Licensing
- FIPS certification
- WebAuth Efficiency
- MSE Improvements
- New MSE Virtual Appliance
- MSE High Availability feature
- RRM enhancements: